Seal Coat with Bottle Caps

When doing bottle caps you have two options.

1) Objects must be sealed first with a good coat of epoxy. If the objects are not properly sealed, they will release tiny air bubbles which will form around the object during the flood coat. Placement of these objects may be done before you apply the first seal coat or they can be placed into a seal coat using it as glue to hold them down. You would paint on the seal coat a bit thicker and make sure that your seal coat completely surrounds the embedded objects so that when it hardens they are secured to your surface and do not float up into the flood coat. You will want to wait 24 hours before pouring the flood coat. This will allow the seal coat enough time to harden. 

2) If you are not placing objects in the seal coat, then they must be glued down or they can float up into the flood coat. Most regular glues will work fine except for hot glue sticks.

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