Difference Between a Flood Coat and a Seal Coat

Seal Coat
The seal coat is a small batch of epoxy that is brushed on in a thin layer to seal any pores in the surface and prevent air bubbles from forming in the following flood coat. Our epoxy is used for both your seal coat and your flood coat. You do not need a different product. Both seal and flood coats are always a 50/50 mixture. For the seal coat, mix up a small batch (16 oz. of Resin + 16 oz. of Hardener) and use a very good paint brush (around $10 at the home improvement store) to apply to surface. You will paint it on just as you paint on a wall. This stage is followed by the flood coat , which will flow and self level to 1/8".

Flood Coat
A flood coat is simply poured on the surface and it self-levels to 1/8". Flood coats are applied in 1/8" layers at a time, as many as desired can be applied. Additional coats should be applied within 4 to 6 hours. If re-coated within this time period no sanding is necessary between layers. After 6 hours, you will need to wait until the following day and then you will need to lightly sand the surface with 220 or 320 grit sandpaper and then wipe off the sanding dust with denatured alcohol or acetone (do NOT use mineral spirits).

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